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Old Jun 09, 2005, 06:17 PM // 18:17   #21
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Garric, I for one think I will take your advise.
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Old Jun 09, 2005, 06:28 PM // 18:28   #22
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Originally Posted by Algren Cole
the fact the people got ripped off or sold/bought things for too much(just like the real world)...the fact that runes weren't readily available to anyone that wanted them....the fact that you were rewarded for spending alot of your time explorer the world and 'farming'...made this game worth playing.
People getting ripped off did not give me jollies. It honestly didn't impact my world much other than having to waste my time traveling through districts and map regions to find honest sellers. But if that's how you get your kicks, I'm sorry it has been impacted.
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Old Jun 09, 2005, 06:38 PM // 18:38   #23
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Originally Posted by pionata
The ammount of player will probably drop if it keeps up like this.
Well, if this game cost a mothly fee I can see where the dev tell would really worry but it doesnt, they already have their money so people can leave if they want to. No sweat of Anets back. Inaddition, people can come back at anytime.

I think players have gottn spoiled from the dev team. I mean they really are kick ass and do updates fast. I think many people have gotten used to it and except instant gratification. Im sure in time, short time, the devs will have all these issues ironed out.
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Old Jun 09, 2005, 06:39 PM // 18:39   #24
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Originally Posted by Garric
For the last few weeks in Guildwars, the talk has been pretty much about only 2 things: Farming/grinding or Rune(Unlocking/trading.). I found it funny how these issues became so important all of a sudden, but ultimately they are related. I saw rune sales jump tenfold in these last few weeks. When the game came out these issues weren't really talked about, as it was more about sigils and PvE.

So Arena net releases a patch. A contraversial patch, that addresses complaints from several forums. They added a runes merchant, nerfed farming. Now this is when all hell broke loose. The second I got into the game, all I saw for the next hour or so was people complaining about these two changes. No more than 3 of my guild members spent the hour whining in Guild Chat, it got so annoying that I disabled it.

People need to calm down. This is just a game. I understand that you like the game, but when a game makes you feel bad on the inside, you really have to reflect on what you are mad about. A game isn't supposed to piss you off. What's pissing you off is a very minor thing, which happens to be the rune trader. The rune trader didn't ruin anything.. all it does is meet supply and demand. All it means is that you can't sell a minor rune to a newb for 800 gold. And all nerfing farming means is that you can't exploit an area for gold anymore. Believe it or not, but the game ISN'T designed for farming, and when you farm you use an exploit in the economy. Don't be surprized when the devs nerf it.
Great post! I will warn you however that practicality and common sense aren't meant with open arms around here much but for what its worth I agree with you.
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Old Jun 09, 2005, 06:54 PM // 18:54   #25
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Originally Posted by C-Tzar
One thing IS bugging me a little about this new patch, but maybe I'm looking at it wrong. BTW, I'm not complaining as I don't really care.

This last patch has not only made it not worth farming runes for PvEers, they're still making it harder to do it for the PvPers who just about NEED to farm to unlock runes. Seems to me that if PvE players can just run to the rune merchant for their fix, but PvPers still have to unlock runes (which is actually getting to be MORE of a pain to do), then nerfing the farming is hurting the PvPers more than the PvE farmers.

Again, I don't care one way or the other, but if the PvPers starting bitching about making it near impossible to unlock all the runes while PvEers can just go buy them, I'd see their point. Keep making it easier for the PvEers and harder for the PvPers and we likly WILL eventually see a UAS button.
This guy hit the nail on the head. Previously one could spend a few weeks farming and he or she would have all the runes unlocked. Now, one could spend a lifetime and they wouldn't even be close.
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Old Jun 09, 2005, 07:06 PM // 19:06   #26
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Originally Posted by joeljermon
Then you're playing the wrong game. Guild Wars is meant to reward player skill, not hours played, and the patch brings it closer to living up to this.
Explain to me how paying cash that gets dropped by level 1 monsters for runes requires more skill than killing level 15-20 monsters that dropped them?

Please, try.
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Old Jun 09, 2005, 07:07 PM // 19:07   #27
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I agree fully with Corwin_Andros, and have on a few other topics. He makes a lot of sense, others should take note, same with Garric

As it has been said, everyone just needs to have patience.
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Old Jun 09, 2005, 07:14 PM // 19:14   #28
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For the love of God, is this thread real? Has salvation come to me at last?

Great post and I fully agree. Just calm down people, if you want to play the game that badly play it, and play it with patience and trust that your problems will be solved, the problems are known and out there, there's no need to state them further in the 80th grind/rune thread this month. Play the game or play something else while trusting that a solution will be found soon enough. The devs have done a good job thus far, a wonderful job IMO, and you know, just relax.

Get a drink. Play the game.

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Old Jun 09, 2005, 07:21 PM // 19:21   #29
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Originally Posted by Corwin_Andros
I for one like the latest patch in its entirety. The one thing I really would like to see is that the players as a whole stop being either narrowminded or shortsighted. As bad as that sounds it isn't meant to be mean. Allow me to explain.

Set aside the diehards in either camp and you have a large player base that enjoys boths aspects of the game in some measure. This is a good thing and is what ANet is aiming for. The downside is that every single time that the devs modify the game, somebody.. well several somebodies have to panic or complain and turn into doomsayers.

THe way I'm looking at all of this is that at the moment, ANet is working on fixing the game enough that the majority of PvP players down feel too bogged down in PvE. Great. I'm all for that within reason. The latest patch was a step in that direction with promises of more to come next week.

I know that a lot of PvE folks are in a panic or at least an uproar, thinking that their part of the game is getting killed in favor of the PvP crowd. My advise would be to remain patient.

Have we forgotten that they are introducing new areas soon. Who knows how much more content we'll be getting before the next "Chapter" comes out at the beginning of next year. I'd imagine it's keep coming in some form or fashion. Well guess what folks... All those new areas and thing will be most likely aimed primarily at the PvE crowd.

All the PvP folks really want is a relatively painless way to get to the meat of the action as they see it. Well once that is accomplished, all they'll need or want is a few more maps and maybe a couple different game types to keep them gloriously happy kicking the crap out of eachother.

Let ANet get the PvP folks settled down a bit and then I'm sure we'll see a lot more content aimed at making the rest of us just as happy. In all seriousness, the only people that are out anything with the new rune traders are the people whose whole point of playing was making money and gouging as much off other players as they could.

By changing the way "farming" was handled, they make you play a lot more areas than just one or two. THa've spread the good drops over the entire course fo the game and you can do pretty well and have a chance at good stuff no matter where you are.

I think the message they are sending out is that this is meant to be a game all about PLAYING it.. not farming or whatever.. just go out and play and you'll be just fine.

Just to say it again.. to everyone.. Be patient and don't give up hope.. It's obvious that the devs are indeed listening, even if they don't always do things in the priority some of us might wish. Give them a chance and stop the flaming and do what should have been done all along.. be constructive with your criticism and provide ideas.. not just complaints.

And for Gods sakes, quit the damnable grandstanding that the game is all about one side or the other.. it is about BOTH.. and if we are all gonna have to live together, so to speak, we aought to damn well start getting along better.
Post of the Day imo.
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Old Jun 09, 2005, 08:58 PM // 20:58   #30
salja Wachi
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am i the only one who sees this? your PvP character sees no benefit from the rune trader unless yo use that character in PvP. even more to the point is that you still have to explore and do mission to find the skills to use. your PVe character can have all the runes you want and will still get pwned in PvP unless you have the skills to use in it.

they will not be able to compete with the others no matter how many runes they shove into their armor if the skills they equip are below par.
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Old Jun 10, 2005, 04:41 AM // 04:41   #31
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I wholly agree with this, please, try and calm down and enjoy the game as games were meant to be.

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Every week, as a new update arises, I see a new batch of horrahs or complaints about what players like and do not like in the newest patch.

But to constantly see the extremes, which claim every new patch in some form or way due to a slight change, ruins the game for all, is getting to the point of obsession and insanity.

Yes, we play this game in a competitive way, or in a time-waster way, or in a way to merely experience and enjoy it, however...

When those of the community get to the extreme distaste, so much as to say they are giving up the game, or that it ruins the original concept, it seems on the brink of insanity and obsession, if you understand what I mean.

We cling so hard to the original ideas, that may need to be tweaked to continue to make the game progress and grow, that it deludes us from even giving the new patches or changes a try before they complain.

Please, everyone, I implore you, give the updates a chance before you knock them. Wait a week before you make your final judgement, if you do not like them, then that is fine, but try and suggest better ways to improve the system rather than merely say you do not like it.

A helpful piece of advice I once learned, that applies to rulemaking for elementary school, yet fitting for this as well is:

Say what you want them to do, instead of what you do not want them to do, then they will not be confused on what you expect of them.

Let me place a few examples below.

"Do not take the blocks from the building area" Is an example of what you tell them you do not want.

"Please leave the blocks in the building center." Is what you expect them to do.

Telling them what you want them to do, rather than screaming about what you do not want them to do, is more clear, and more positive.

In the example of Guild Wars, here are a few more examples.

"Nerfing farming just makes the game more difficult, this is the worst idea!"

This is a negative way, and also shouting at them what you do not like.

"The SoC system is so boring and ruins the fun of capturing elite skills!"

The above is yet another example of thsi, merely a complaint and slightly negative on what you want the devs to do.

"Maybe the devs could lower the number of drops overall, but make it easier to get purple and gold items, and slightly stronger weapons, in other areas earlier on in the game. Then, there will be less dropping, but if you're in Old Ascalon, chances of getting something good there, are slightly more comparative to places like the desert."

This is just an example and probably a poort one, but it is a suggestion of what you expect, and wish the devs to attempt to do.

"The capture system should be easier but not take the fun out of actually capturing the elites. Maybe if they put more enemies around a boss monster, making it more difficult to kill him due to the massive mob of enemies, it would bring back some of the fun of actually capturing elite skills."

This is yet another example of what you would like to be done, but it also lets them know you are not happy with the way things work as they stand.

These are just my suggestions to help people calm down a little, look at how they are acting, rather rudely at times, and often fevered, in the terms of the patches and upadates, and please just relax and be patient. Things will slowly change and mold for the better, just give ArenaNet, and the game, a chance to do this.
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Old Jun 10, 2005, 04:45 AM // 04:45   #32
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To calm everyone down, let's just shoot them full of horse tranquilizers.

Problem solved; the majority of the GW community that aren't horses are put out of commission, and the horses will continue playing in a couple hours (after they have had time to reflect on the real reasons why they complain)
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Old Jun 10, 2005, 04:52 AM // 04:52   #33
Mistress Eyahl
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Originally Posted by ManadartheHealer
To calm everyone down, let's just shoot them full of horse tranquilizers.

Problem solved; the majority of the GW community that aren't horses are put out of commission, and the horses will continue playing in a couple hours (after they have had time to reflect on the real reasons why they complain)

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Old Jun 10, 2005, 01:05 PM // 13:05   #34
Ascalonian Squire
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I can't believe the amount of rational and sensible posts in one thread. Sometimes after reading various forums I feel like I'm the only one who actually likes playing GW. From the tone of many of the posts I see you'd think GW has been out for years and is hopelessly broken. For a game that's been out for just over a month, I am quite impressed with the quality of what's currently available and the willingness of the devs to update the game in response to issues identified by the player community.

I am confident that in a month or two we'll all have the runes and elites that we absolutely cannot PvP without and be left wondering what the heck was everyone complaining about?

Thanks to the posters in this thread for their refreshing perspective on what I am finding to be a very entertaining game.
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Old Jun 10, 2005, 02:26 PM // 14:26   #35
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Originally Posted by C-Tzar
This last patch has not only made it not worth farming runes for PvEers, they're still making it harder to do it for the PvPers who just about NEED to farm to unlock runes. Seems to me that if PvE players can just run to the rune merchant for their fix, but PvPers still have to unlock runes (which is actually getting to be MORE of a pain to do), then nerfing the farming is hurting the PvPers more than the PvE farmers.

Again, I don't care one way or the other, but if the PvPers starting bitching about making it near impossible to unlock all the runes while PvEers can just go buy them, I'd see their point. Keep making it easier for the PvEers and harder for the PvPers and we likly WILL eventually see a UAS button.
Had to take issue with this because it seems to say that the addition of the rune traders has ELIMINATED the need to farm inorder to UNLOCK runes, which is NOT true the rune traders willonly offer YOU the runes that you have unlocked, so you can't go to the rune trader and buy all the runes you want, you can go to the trader and buy all the runes you already have.

From AN:

Added rune traders. Be aware that these traders specifically deal with already-identified runes, so runes you buy from them are for the purpose of wearing, not unlocking.
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Old Jun 10, 2005, 03:19 PM // 15:19   #36
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I posted this on another forum site and it might also be of interest here for the ones that think farming is completely hosed....

What they have done is kill repetative farming. You can still farm, but you have to constantly switch areas and not repeat the same area within an unknown timeframe.

Basically you could for instance, go through Riverside, then immediately go to Sanctum Cay, then go kill the ettins outside Beetletun, then somewhere else.. and finally it'd be safe to go back and farm Riverside again without getting your drops canned for a long while.

If I'm seeing the pattern right, it's all about repetition in a given area within a given timeframe.. just work around that.

No idea what the timeframe is, but perhaps one of you hardcore farmer types can try this out and see how it works for you.
That post came about when some people were noticing that their drops cut off after a couple farming runs in certain areas.
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Old Jun 10, 2005, 03:37 PM // 15:37   #37
Howling Wind
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You know its one patch lots of things got changed. I don't know who complains about the new SoC system but I think its GREAT!

Give it some time and GW may release updates and expansions for PvP'ers and PvE'ers. This game has just started recently and i'm sure GW wants its life span to be a few years and knows that that there are people who only like PvE and others who only like PvP and some both, so they will obviously care for all groups.
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Old Jun 10, 2005, 03:40 PM // 15:40   #38
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The rune trader argument that he will only sell you unlocked one's is complete and utter bullshit. I have bought a superior rune for a character type I do not even possess, and I have NEVER unlocked that rune. So no. Either a bug or someone is full of it.

Originally Posted by Garric
For the last few weeks in Guildwars, the talk has been pretty much about only 2 things: Farming/grinding or Rune(Unlocking/trading.). I found it funny how these issues became so important all of a sudden, but ultimately they are related. I saw rune sales jump tenfold in these last few weeks. When the game came out these issues weren't really talked about, as it was more about sigils and PvE.

So Arena net releases a patch. A contraversial patch, that addresses complaints from several forums. They added a runes merchant, nerfed farming. Now this is when all hell broke loose. The second I got into the game, all I saw for the next hour or so was people complaining about these two changes. No more than 3 of my guild members spent the hour whining in Guild Chat, it got so annoying that I disabled it.

People need to calm down. This is just a game. I understand that you like the game, but when a game makes you feel bad on the inside, you really have to reflect on what you are mad about. A game isn't supposed to piss you off. What's pissing you off is a very minor thing, which happens to be the rune trader. The rune trader didn't ruin anything.. all it does is meet supply and demand. All it means is that you can't sell a minor rune to a newb for 800 gold. And all nerfing farming means is that you can't exploit an area for gold anymore. Believe it or not, but the game ISN'T designed for farming, and when you farm you use an exploit in the economy. Don't be surprized when the devs nerf it.
I have to be honest here, as that is my nature, whether what I say is liked or not...

Where are you people IN THE GAMEWORLD? I never, not EVER, see this kinda shit anywhere (the complaining about farming or rune trader).

See, the thing is, for me at least, the only place I see all this WHINING is on here.

Stop already

Last edited by SOT; Jun 10, 2005 at 03:42 PM // 15:42..
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Old Jun 10, 2005, 03:41 PM // 15:41   #39
Algren Cole
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Originally Posted by Howling Wind
You know its one patch lots of things got changed. I don't know who complains about the new SoC system but I think its GREAT!

me rewards going through the motions rather than skill...easy and requiring 0 skill - just the way I like it
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Old Jun 10, 2005, 03:44 PM // 15:44   #40
Studio Ghibli
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I preferred the old method of capturing skills. it was an amusing challenge.
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